That's great <@U01QQPYRDK3>. Let us know if we can...
# general
That's great @User. Let us know if we can help in setting things up 🙂
Okay, so can install it on an existing server that is already running docker or do I need use a fresh server? Overall I have one server for webapps (Docker Swarm via Caprover) One Server for functions (via OpenFaas) Database: Hosted ones are quite expensive, so currently I use SQLite. Could set it up on WebApp Server allthough that is not ideal. I might need Redis at some point. So I’m looking at 2-5 Machines already and try to keep it down if possible. I’m not using Kubernetes and don’t aim to do. There is a lot of traffic a single instance can manage but my tools all allow to be moved to cloud infrastructure (e.g. AWS Fargate) when needed.
You can set it up on already running VM with docker...If the traffic is low (3-5 RPS), 4GB of RAM would be good to run SigNoz. You can scale up SIGNOZ to handle 100RPS data with 12GB of RAM. We shall soon publish deployment instructions to AWS Fargate too.
But ideally an independent machine with min 4GB of RAM is suggested to keep SigNoz non-affected due to other application/machine problems
@User Is it for a personal project?
Hi Ankit, yes this is for personal projects.
I also work on the other side of the spectrum with Raspberry Pis. The perspective is: Local machine (Macbook with Docker) > Intranet (Raspberry Pis with Docker) > Cloud VPS (Digital Ocean/Vultr/Hetzner/etc. with Docker) > Cloud provider (AWS Fargate) I try to skip Kubernetes if possible due to cost and move directly to Fargate.
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