Signoz looks to be a good alternative. Did you com...
# general
Signoz looks to be a good alternative. Did you compare your product with Apache skywalking? I'm looking for skywalking alternative. That's the major reason I'm here
Actually, we have not done a detailed comparison with Skywalking. From my understanding, I think Skywalking doesn't support Opentelemetry as of now. Opentelemetry is emerging as the default standard for instrumentation with many companies like Microsoft, AWS contributing to it. I am curious, why were you looking for Skywalking alternative? What are the features it doesn't support currently
Looks they do support opentelemetry.
but this is via otel/opentelemetry-collector
The reason is that skywalking is very popular in China because the author is now apache board member. You know China technical community is more like film star circle (just like your Bolleywood). When someone becames the first like first board member of apache, a lot of medias want to report that and you are becoming famous. This is the way how Skywalking getting popular in China
However, I've been a technical veteran for many years. I totally understand that when you become famous, you may lose your original heart especially in China. Apache foundation is now very welcomed in China. But I do understand apache PMC is not so senior and doesn't serve this kind of focus. Moreover, the skywalking project is still in incubating. I usually don't want to trust any technical media in any case. If there is no solid reason that this is good for A, B, C, I'm very cautious about choosing a solution.
The skywalking diagram looks fancy but I don't see many useful matrix from it. It's not like prometheus that everything is under my control. and the document of skywalking is a bit rare.
anyway, I'm still open to choose skywalking but your technical architecture looks more convinced so far. druid+kafka and clickhouse, this is the preferred solution of big data for on-promise environment. I used to have a deep look into many open source big data wheels while I was working for a big data solution company. I fully understand why druid is much better than hadoop impala/hive
Got it. Yeah, We also think druid/clickhouse would be the right datastore for building this. Recently Uber also shifted to Clickhouse for its logging infra - which is quite interesting -
Would love if you can give SigNoz a try and let us know what you think
Thanks for the information of uber logging architecture. It's an intersting practice. I'll take a deep look into it.