Hey <@U01HPVB0D2S>, thanks ! Was looking for an ob...
# general
Hey @User, thanks ! Was looking for an obsvervability platform that could provide a good single plane of glass view and some analysis capabilities. Currently when i'm looking at ways to use only OSS for the full observability stack. I see great options for the data collection part through prometheus (metrics), jaeger or opentelemetry (traces) and fluentd / ELK (logs). But it happens to also create several different tools to look at while debugging, and some that don't have great capabilities in terms visualization ( like jaeger where you can't really do much imho ). Grafana is trying to do something similar with the implementation of loki and tempo but the different tools do not communicate well in the itnerface.
Yeah, this is exactly the hypothesis which we have for building SigNoz. A single pane of glass view across metrics, traces and logs - and seamless visualization across them 🙂 What is your current tech stack? And the requests per second you handle. - May be you can try SigNoz and see if it fits your needs. Would be happy to help you set up if you need any assistance
The project is still in discussion so I only have a rough idea of the needs. Not yet a clear view on the stack and data usage. I'll test on my own time and follow with excitement. Project is due to start in a few months.
Awesome. Looking forward!