hey <@U02C6UAS9C4> <@U02CB9S2NPK> welcome to SigNo...
# general
hey @User @User welcome to SigNoz community 🙂 Would love to know what go you interested in SigNoz
Hi @User I'm a systems architect and backend engineer. Mostly I work with python, postgres, nodejs and k8s stack. I am taking a break from work and I have some time before joining my next job. Observability is something i want to have in my next products. So I am exploring stuffs. Found SigNoz sometime back, been following on social media for a while. So I am here to build python project templates with integrated observability for flask and fastapi. Would love to contribute back and also write articles on what I learn at https://sureshdsk.dev
Awesome @User! Do checkout our python docs https://signoz.io/docs/instrumentation/python/ We also have a sample flask app which can be used to get started - https://github.com/SigNoz/sample-flask-app Feel free to ping in #contributing or #help if you need any help
Sure 💯