hi ,i want to know how can i deploy in k8s with he...
# general
hi ,i want to know how can i deploy in k8s with helm and exist clickhouse
hey @User Welcome to SigNoz community! Currently we don't have helm charts for clickhouse set up. If you want to use helm charts - you can use existing helmchart - but it does for Druid setup - https://signoz.io/docs/deployment/helm_chart/
Is your current testing infra in k8s? I think as a first step you can check the docker based install with Clickhouse. If that works for you, we can prioritise helm charts for Clikhouse We are working on helmcharts for clickhouse and should be able to ship it in 2 weeks time
Our Infra Team management/operations Clickhouse Cluster . And our Application deploy in k8s, so if easy to deploy in k8s with helm and exist Clickhouse out of K8S Cluster is nice for us. Cause we don’t want introduce additional components (likes Druid). i will check the docker based install with Clickhouse first ~
just curious, what type of applications are you trying to monitor? Which language/framework is your tech stack in
We use distributed tracing and
,like p9x between service with diff tag
to monitor our complex scheduling system