I am curious if signoz exposes API that can be int...
# general
I am curious if signoz exposes API that can be integrated into Grafana.
hey @Didip Kerabat welcome to SigNoz community! I don't think there is a way to expose an API which can be consumed by Grafana - but curious on what use case you are targeting here?
We like the idea of warehousing the metrics in Druid or Clickhouse, but for a company that already an existing Grafana infrastructure, it is simply easier to experiment with Signoz if such APi exists.
Another question, is your charting API SVG based or Canvas based? We have a lot of points to plot and usually SVG charts struggled to load them.
Another question, is your charting API SVG based or Canvas based? We have a lot of points to plot and usually SVG charts struggled to load them.
I think our charting is Canvas based, though @Palash Gupta can confirm
We like the idea of warehousing the metrics in Druid or Clickhouse, but for a company that already an existing Grafana infrastructure, it is simply easier to experiment with Signoz if such APi exists.
I think if you are using SigNoz primarily for Observability (metrics, traces, etc) - you will find it to be much more powerful. But can understand if an org already uses Grafana Dashboards, they might find it easy to adjust to it. Would be great if you can created a feature request here and we can check if there is more interest in the community on this
btw, if metrics is the main thing you are interested in @Didip Kerabat, you may find SigNoz dashboards to be very powerful as we support native clickhouse queries ( which follows SQL format)
also, out of curiousity - why do you prefer Druid/ClickHouse for metrics? I think prometheus works pretty well with Grafana - what issues do you see with that
thanks 🙂
@Pranay My company has huge amount of metrics, FAANG amount of volume, something that Prometheus and Influx struggles to handle.
We also already built huge Druid clusters in-house, so we want to leverage the same expertise for our Application metrics.
Got it. Though we have deprecated support to Druid now. Only ClickHouse is supported by default
Also, I saw a number of your Youtube videos, great job on that by the way! I just want to confirm that integration with PagerDuty for alerts is supported, yes?
Noooo… Druid support is deprecated?
kk, need to update my notes then.
Yeah, we had support for Druid earlier, but it was tough to run for people to get started
I guess it makes sense for a small team to focus on 1 thing.
Yeah, Pagerduty is supported - https://www.pagerduty.com/integrations/
Yeah, focus was the primary reason 🙂
Though some members from Pinot community have recently been able to run SigNoz with Pinto as backend
So, if you can't test with ClickHouse and are up for changing some Go code, it should be possible to do
@Pranay Before you delete the Druid backend, can you please consider preserving that legacy code in a branch? We also have a lot of Go experts in-house, if SigNoz works out we may be able to help maintain the Druid backend. But it is too early to tell at the moment.
I think the Druid code should be available in the earlier releases, let me dig which release. Though we have made lots of advancement in the ClickHouse version, so it should be more advanced, @Didip Kerabat I guess, one way could be that you test default SigNoz version first ( which comes with ClickHouse datastore by default) and if it suits your need from features/UI perspective we can think about how Druid as a datastore can be enabled or how tough it would be
Sounds good, we should experiment and play with it first.
cool. Feel free to ping here or in #support if you have any questions
also adding @Ankit Nayan here - if you have any more insights on this
@Didip Kerabat hey 👋 The backend APIs are interface so adding multiple DBs should be easy. Just start adding APIs which fit your usecase. Though we have moved a long way in clickhouse in terms of features. Feel free to ask/discuss anything.