<@U01HWQ1RTC2> this was question which Naveen had....
# general
@Ankit Nayan this was question which Naveen had. Do you have more insights on ths?
Does signoz have an option to host its Frontend in one machine and listens to open telemetry response from a remote machine?
cc: @Naveen Gnanavel Can you add some more context on what you are trying to do with this setup? Does the remote machine have an independent otel collector?
Let's say I have a BE service that is running on 4 machines and for each machine, I have configured otel to listen to tomcat and send metrics data. I will have a separate machine in which I installed Signoz for monitoring all 4 backend machines where I can configure up address for remote machine and port ( open telemetry is running)
Like VisualVM interface
Like zabbix monitoring
Yeah, this should be possible. Some of our users run their monitoring in this way.
@Prashant Shahi Do we have any docs on how to set this up ?
Hey @Naveen Gnanavel, you should be able to configure OtelCollector in your machine, which can collect the telemetry data from the same machine and forward to SigNoz OtelCollector running in remote machine.
We have docs in benchmark repo on collecting
from remote machine and forward to remote SigNoz Otel. https://github.com/SigNoz/benchmark/tree/main/docker#binary
We should be able follow those steps and send metrics to
which would get forwarded to SigNoz. For traces, you would need to include the following in OtelCollector config `service.pipelines`:
Copy code
      receivers: [otlp]
      processors: [batch]
      exporters: [otlp]
Cool! I will go through that doc and give it a try. @Pranay it would be very helpful if you show this in your style of DIY video. Thanks @Prashant Shahi
@Naveen Gnanavel I will be including proper steps in our official docs. Meanwhile you can try out the steps above and do let us know if you face any issues.
ha ha - sure @Naveen Gnanavel Will give it a try
Ive done it this way with otel collectors running on the host machines which then forward to the SigNoz otel collectors
@Naveen Gnanavel just checking if you were able to get this set up working or you need any help
I got stuck with some other work so planning to give it a try this weekend or next week.