Hey :wave:, just found out that Signoz has preview...
# contributing
Hey 👋, just found out that Signoz has preview support for logs now - one step closer to a unified observability solution! I drove some projects in observability and developer experience in my past companies, so looking forward to contribute to signoz.
hey @Aditya KP welcome to the community 🙂 What areas are you interested in?
Interested in observability and debugging as a whole in the context of distributed architectures. Have managed tooling and services (Datadog, Lightstep, ELK) in my past companies and was frustrated by how everything lives in different stacks and you cannot generate higher level insights - so we built systems by crawling data from these systems and gluing them together instead (which is also expensive).
Have been focused on backend for most of my career (with a Go/AWS/Terraform stack) so would love to contribute on some core issues in the system. In the process of setting things up and going through issues backlog - but do you have any moderately sized issues you are looking for help on?
ah, nice to see you have so much experience in this. @Ankit Nayan might be able to guide you getter on any good first issues for backend
also curious, what stack did you use to crawl this data and what did UI for the glued system looked like @Aditya KP
so we built systems by crawling data from these systems and gluing them together instead (which is also expensive).
what stack did you use to crawl this data and what did UI for the glued system looked like
Basically from the sources I mentioned above - using public APIs available for each of them. Then overlaying this information on top of service catalog to get a better view of systems.