can some help me we are deploying our java applica...
# general
can some help me we are deploying our java application with docker in server i made changes according to the documentation # Use the OpenJDK image as a base image FROM openjdk:17 # Download the OpenTelemetry Java agent ADD /app/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar # Copy your JAR file COPY build/libs/assets-*-SNAPSHOT.jar /app/assets.jar # Expose the necessary port EXPOSE 8082 # Set the environment variables for OpenTelemetry ENV OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT="<http//|http://ip_address:4317>" ENV OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES="Assets" # Run your application with the OpenTelemetry Java agent ENTRYPOINT ["java","-javaagent:/app/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar","-jar","app/assets.jar"] 1. my application is running on ip_address:3301 as in documentation they specifed 4317 what port should i give as endpoint 2. i did build and deployed through jenkins ci/cd but i cant see the service in signoz what might be the issue no errors
1. my application is running on <ip_address>:3301 as in documentation they specifed 4317 what port should i give as endpoint
The 3301 is a port where you can access the UI. For applications to send data you need to use the 4317 port. The IP address should be the address of the host where your main SigNoz deployment is running.
i tried with both ports but still i can't see the service of my java applications in signoz UI what might be the reason
and one more thing our applications are running in one server and we have a dedicated server for signoz
Does you application show any error logs?
i checked it @Srikanth Chekuri
I am not sure what might be the issue. You need to make sure the instrumentation works first. You can test it locally first and then make the same changes to docker.
@Srikanth Chekuri i am getting this error in application logs : [otel.javaagent 2024-03-05 093607:911 +0000] [OkHttp] ERROR io.opentelemetry.exporter.internal.http.HttpExporter - Failed to export logs. The request could not be executed. Full error message: timeout