Hello team! I'm a product guy a platform engineer...
# general
Hello team! I'm a product guy a platform engineering start-up! New into this world and having fun exploring this world of observability and open telemetry.
Had a question for. you folks Are there any emerging observability trends or technologies that you're excited about or experimenting with? -- obviously signoz, but what else apologies for the noobish questions, just curious to hear from the amazing folks here
Hey @Adi Unni Welcome to SigNoz community. > Are there any emerging observability trends or technologies that you're excited about or experimenting with? Opentelemetry is very interesting, but I think you already know about it. LLM monitoring and observability is also interesting, bunch of new products coming out in that space
Awesome! I've been looking at some stuff like cast AI, k8s GPT etc.. Can you name drop a few, I'd love to explore them!
Hey, just found this thread. We have been working on building an open source, open telemetry SDK for instrumenting LLMs, LLM frameworks and Vector DBs. Here's a post I wrote on Linkedin on how to set it up with SigNoz https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7183889657598812160/ . 🙂