Hello Everybody. Just a quick question: is it poss...
# general
Hello Everybody. Just a quick question: is it possible to configure multiple ClickHouse cluster as datasources for the single SigNoz frontend. Let's imagine we have a multiple Kubernetes clusters in different regions and/or clouds. So instead of having SigNoz instance in each and every region with unique URL, I would like to have only one with all regional ClickHouse clusters attached to it. Is is possible?
Are these independent Cluster or just nodes in the same cluster?
they are independent clusters in different regions and/or even clouds. But we want to have 1 centralized UI and then just select the proper datasource inside
@Srikanth Chekuri ^
No, this is not possible.
ok. does it make sense to create a feature request for such kind of functionality?
This is the first time we have seen anybody ask for it. Dynamically changing the data clickhouse DSN is non-trivial. I don’t know if there is any interest in the community. However, you can create a feature request.
it is not about dynamically change the DNS. It is about to have multiple ClickHouse clusters connected to the frontend at the same time. And then you just select against which cluster (datasource) you want to run the query. The same actually as Grafana works with datasources or Opensearch
And how does that happen under the hood?
I said DSN and not DNS
In Grafana you can configure multiple datasources of the same type. and then when for the query you can select the datasource that will actually execute it and respond with results. For graphs, you also select a datasource that will provide data. And you even can have different graphs configured to different datasources on the same dashboard.
@Prashant Shahi Any idea on this? Even i need to have a single frontend for multiple clusters
@Pranay Any suggestions for this request?