I have question can signoz handle more than operat...
# general
I have question can signoz handle more than operator operators: - type: json_parser timestamp: parse_from: attributes.time layout: '%Y-%m-%d,%H:%M:%S %z' - type: move from: attributes.message to: body - type: remove field: attributes.time for my receiver looks like this : receivers: ... filelog: include: [ /tmp/simple.log, /tmp/accesstest1.log , /tmp/errortest2.log ] start_at: beginning
Hey @Noor Ali Can you elaborate what do you mean ?
Hello Chitrransh in signoz is it allowed to have more than 1 operator for log which are parsing or do each log needs has to have it's own operator . Thanks
What I want to know does Signoz allow having more than one operator
Chitransh I was able to mount the log path just fine . What is the best way to make sure the logs are seen in front end in signoz I am able to see my simple log . Just wondering what is easiest way to see the logs for accesstest1.log and errortest2.log . Do I have create an operator to see the logs that is my question to know if Signoz as rule that you cannot have more than operator. Thanks
Hey, Noor. That’s great. From what I understand, operators will help you parse through logs in an easy manner. But I think there are APIs and SDKs available for that as well. Here are some links that might be helpful: • https://signoz.io/blog/parsing-logs-with-the-opentelemetry-collector/https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-log-collection/tree/main/docs/operatorshttps://opentelemetry.io/docs/specs/otel/logs/ (SigNoz is OpenTelemetry native) If you want to know more about OpenTelemetry APIs and SDKs, checkout this upcoming webinar https://signoz-community.slack.com/archives/C01HWUTP4HH/p1694053557660739 Let me know if this helps ?
I have question Chritransh can two operators be used in here
Please see this picture I want to know if two Operators used like or only one is allowed . Also tcplog/docker: line is it above the Operators or below the Operators just want to make sure. I have third POC for Signoz next week so far so good. Thanks