We're sending data from 4 pods of the same process...
# general
We're sending data from 4 pods of the same process. In NOOP, it's showing only 4 curves but in COUNT it's showing 8 and in SUM the value is coming double of what we are getting if we manually add the values from the 4 curves
We’re sending data from 4 pods of the same process
What is the type of this measurement?
In NOOP, it’s showing only 4 curves but in COUNT it’s showing 8 and in SUM the value is coming double of what we are getting if we manually add the values from the 4 curves
When you say 8, are you saying 8 “curves” or the number 8 on y-axis? The SUM simply sums across the series. Please share the original data and the result.
This is NOOP
This is COUNT
This is Count Distinct
This is SUM
In NOOP, adding the values give 24K
In SUM its showing 48K
Please read this doc to understand what each of them do https://signoz.io/docs/userguide/create-a-custom-query/
It was working fine till yesterday. Since last night it's behaving like this
@Srikanth Chekuri I had pretty much followed that document to create the dashboards earlier and they worked fine. Only since yesterday this anomaly is happening. Please refer to the above screenshots for data.
There is nothing changed from SigNoz side. Please check what has changed from your end since last time.
@Srikanth Chekuri But it it possible that in NOOP it shows 4 data sets and in COUNT it shows value as 8. Can you explain how Distinct Count value is 4 and Count value is 8.
It means there are only 4 distinct values but 8 in total for the aggregation interval of 60 seconds.
So are you saying that during the aggregation interval the values are coming twice? But we have logs which prints whenever data is inserted into the gauge metrics and that's coming once only
Yes, they are reported twice which is why you are seeing 8