I am doing POC I for Signoz for my team I want add...
# general
I am doing POC I for Signoz for my team I want add few logs I have already installed on my MAC company laptop please provide instruction to do few logs from IBM AIX host or servers
We don't have any specific docs for IBM AIX servers, how do you currently send logs from your IBM AIX servers? would just using file log receivers work? https://signoz.io/docs/userguide/collect_logs_from_file/
Hello Pranay I am going to test it today. Thanks
Hello Pranay I will running this script filelog: include: [ /tmp/python.log ] start_at: beginning operators: - type: json_parser timestamp: parse_from: attributes.time layout: '%Y-%m-%d,%H:%M:%S %z' - type: move from: attributes.message to: body - type: remove field: attributes.time processors: batch: send_batch_size: 10000 send_batch_max_size: 11000 timeout: 10s exporters: otlp/log: endpoint: http//&lt;host&gt;<port> tls: insecure: true service: pipelines: logs: receivers: [filelog] processors: [batch] exporters: [ otlp/log ]
What information I need to put in order for it to work like ip address and host name where it says end point
Hey Noor, you can use
receivers if you the collector is running on the same host, filelog receiver supports only file path, meaning it won't be able to pull logs from remote machine
I want to POC an error log and access log from HTTP Server which is IBM AIX server can it be done. Thanks
Raj if you have a script that is easy for to get this going fast and quick share location to me
You can try two options: 1. use a log collection agent and run it in the host machine (IBM AIX server), configure it to send logs to signoz collector 2. use signoz collector (or use upstream OTeL collector) itself, configure the
receiver and run the docker container in your host machine, then configure this collector to export the logs to main signoz collector 2nd approach is using collector as an agent
To make this simple and fast POC any please provide me correct steps
Any help from you or your team will be great. Thanks
I'll write down the steps for you: 1. setup signoz either in your local or on any cloud provider 2. configure a log collection agent in your IBM AIX server (I'm assuming you can't run signoz there as you don't want to setup your observability backend there) as mentioned in the above msg 3. configure your log collection agent to export logs to collector setup in step 1
I have installed on my Mac laptop now Signoz it is up and running
now all I need to do for POC is pull logs form two chosen host error log and access log
I would like the easiest way to do it if possible
yes, but you can't pull logs from a remote server, you need an agent to push logs from remote server to OTeL collector, setup an agent in IBM server to send logs to signoz collector
got it
ok what are steps and what is script that needs to run to make it happen
if your IBM server has docker installed, run
docker pull otel/opentelemetry-collector-contrib:0.82.0
docker run -v $(pwd)/config.yaml:/etc/otelcol-contrib/config.yaml otel/opentelemetry-collector-contrib:0.82.0
and configure config,yaml to do two things: 1. real logs from filepath from the server 2. export logs to signoz collector Note: ensure your IBM server can be reached to your signoz collector
I will ask before I move forward but I need to know and understand the steps
[server [agent running collecting logs]] -------network call to export logs to signoz collector---------> [signoz collector service endpoint]
hope the steps are clear to you
What is best way to use these file into sig noz for POC now
Can copy them over to sig noz so I do the POC
It was not approved to install agent on prod host we want do it this way let me know if it can be done or not. Thanks
So my idea is to copy logs from host server to my Macbook pro that add, ingest the log file into Sig noz on my Mac book pro let me know if it can be done or not for POC . And what is the best way or a simple script can be used to make it happen to get POC going. Thanks
Once done, restart your otel collector command on mac or command or script not have any luck . thanks