A bit new to signoz, unable to get answers to some...
# general
A bit new to signoz, unable to get answers to some questions i have over the internet. Please help if possible I want to set up alerts on general exceptions received by Signoz. Currently this is the existing alert description:
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This alert is fired when the error count (current value: {{$value}}) crosses the threshold ({{$threshold}})
I want to make the description more descriptive with information on what the error is. I would like to know what all possible variables i can access in the description with ${{}}. Where can i find the list of variables?
attaching also the clickhouse query used and error alert message i have received. Would love to hear any tips or improvements i could make
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	count() as value,
	toStartOfInterval(timestamp, toIntervalMinute(1)) AS interval,
FROM signoz_traces.distributed_signoz_error_index_v2
WHERE timestamp BETWEEN {{.start_datetime}} AND {{.end_datetime}}
GROUP BY serviceName, interval;

-- available variables:
-- 	{{.start_datetime}}
-- 	{{.end_datetime}}

-- required column alias:
-- 	value
-- 	interval
The example error alert is as follows:
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APP  12:06 PM

[FIRING:1] General Error Catch for  (serviceName="Dev-L1Enricher", severity="error")
Alert: General Error Catch - error
    Summary: The rule threshold is set to 2, and the observed metric value is 4
    Description: This alert is fired when the error count (current value: 4) crosses the threshold (2)
       • alertname: General Error Catch
       • ruleId: 1
       • ruleSource: <http://ec2-3-250-218-3.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com:3301/alerts/edit?ruleId=1>
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APP  12:16 PM

[RESOLVED] General Error Catch for  (serviceName="Dev-L1Enricher", severity="error")
Alert: General Error Catch - error
    Summary: The rule threshold is set to 2, and the observed metric value is 4
    Description: This alert is fired when the error count (current value: 4) crosses the threshold (2)
       • alertname: General Error Catch
       • ruleId: 1
       • ruleSource: <http://ec2-3-250-218-3.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com:3301/alerts/edit?ruleId=1>
       • serviceName: Dev-L1Enricher
       • severity: error
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I am unable to see what the error is. Also the message says the error was resolved without any action from my part.
@Amol Umbark Do you have more ideas on this?
each column in select clause other than value and timestamp is treated as label. so in your query serviceName would be available under {{.Labels.serviceName}} if you add this go template in the description, the service name would appear in place of {{.Labels.serviceName}}
the caveat is labels are also used to uniquely identify the row, so there is a limitation on what you can pick in the select query. so let's say you want to group by servicename and apply alert condition on the resulting row but you add error desc in select, the result of query would change as well so make sure your query result has same no of rows after inclusion of new labels