Hi, I’m new to SigNoz and have a question: Is it p...
# general
Hi, I’m new to SigNoz and have a question: Is it possible to only run a external service without the ‘instrument your app’? So SigNoz makes a call every X seconds/minutes and checks the responsetime of a call and create my own calls?
is this something similar to what you are trying @Robin - https://signoz.io/docs/monitor-http-endpoints/
Okay, I followed the instructions and added the httpcheck receiver to otel-collector-config.yaml receiver section and services > pipeline > metrics recievers. I did a docker-compose down and up -d but the metric isn’t being shown as a service?
Where can I find / test the metric? At traces?
You can open dashboard and add a graph panel plotted with http metrics. https://signoz.io/docs/userguide/manage-dashboards/
Thanks! Still have to figure out a few things but this helps a lot.
btw; is it possible to give a body with a request?
As in, I need to get a authenticated request
It’s not possible to give a body with a request. Here are the metrics which are available: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/blob/main/receiver/httpcheckreceiver/documentation.md