Hi Team, I'm trying to do some time series forecas...
# general
Hi Team, I'm trying to do some time series forecasting and anomaly detection in opentelemetry trace data. I do not have enough production data with me to train my model so I decided to generate some synthetic data on my own and that didn't train my model well and the variations in the data was not sufficient. Does anyone know if any open source dataset exists already or is there a way to generate traces for past three months (just for an example) with good amount of variations in it
You can try synthetic load generator. https://github.com/Omnition/synthetic-load-generator
@Vishal Sharma thanks for sharing this. Is there a way we can give inputs to generate traces from now-1month traces ?
No, we can only specify load for individual services.
To simulate more realistic micro-services setup, try https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-demo
Ok. In this repo, which make target generates traces