We are trying to send data from signoz to promethe...
# general
We are trying to send data from signoz to prometheus alert manger is there a way to do so as prometheus alertmanger also accepts data in specific format also
@Jatin Kumar would you be able to share use case. Signoz uses prom alert manager internally so trying to understand need for external prometheus
We want to send data from signoz to google chat space but using default webhook google does not receive data in format provided by signoz it accepts data in some fixed format. Thus we wanted to send data to prometheus alertmanger then send that data from alertmanger to google chat space.
Prom alert manager embedded in signoz is more tightly integrated and gets channel info from signoz query service. it would be better to setup webhook in signoz and route the data into standalone prometheus alert manager
Thus looking for method to send data to prometheus alertmanger from signoz alert channel
you would have to write a webhook handler server that receives webhook from signoz and transforms the payload to match google chat webslace needs you can also use zapier if you are comfortable with that tool
I am not sure using standalone prometheus alert manager will make things easier.