Hi (again), I'm having another issue, when I tried...
# general
Hi (again), I'm having another issue, when I tried to change the settings of the collector, I did a reset to the previously working env, but the new pod of the otel-collector are in Running state but never get into Ready status. The logs of the pods :
Copy code
2023-03-28T15:46:48.226Z	info	service/telemetry.go:111	Setting up own telemetry...
2023-03-28T15:46:48.226Z	info	service/telemetry.go:141	Serving Prometheus metrics	{"address": "", "level": "Basic"}
2023-03-28T15:46:48.226Z	info	components/components.go:30	Stability level of component is undefined	{"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "traces", "name": "clickhousetraces", "stability": "Undefined"}
It's not really clear, what can I do to check this up?
new pod of the otel-collector are in Running state but never get into Ready status?
What do you mean by this? What’s the issue if they are running?
is it the full logs of pod?
I mean that in Kubernetes, the column STATUS shows Running but the column READY show 0/1 and after some time the pod is restarted (because of the readiness probe I assume), and it keeps going. Yes it's the full logs until the pod restarts
If this is all it means it hasn’t started yet, it could be related to not having connection issues with ClickHouse or ClickHouse isn’t processing the migration request quickly.
You're right, I don't know why it was in this state though. But a night passed, I made no changes, and it came back to be working. So I'll come back if it happens again. 🙂 Thanks for assisting!