OpentelemetryJs has changed - I make a new PR for ...
# general
OpentelemetryJs has changed - I make a new PR for the SigNoz examples and add some words of wisdom to it.
that would be helpful
They changed the npm namespaces 10+ times - on npm there are still the old packages (just a warning, but nothing how/where/what to change)
this is sick
It is still an evolving project and they should keep the old packages because someone might still be using them, this is done by every language group.
That's not my point.
The point is - the direction "please got to place X, replace A with B, include C, drop D" - that is 1000% missing.
It took me one day to find that out and make an working example from the - broken - opentelemetry.JS example. Sorry - that's bad.
They publish upgrade guidelines While we don’t have control over that, we can get our examples up to date. Would really appreciate your contribution PR or just share the outdated repo or docs and we shall get it updated.
Yes 🙂 they are 1000% useless
That’s harsh, if you think you could suggest something that makes it useful you can suggest and contribute to opentelemetry-js.
Bad documentation is even worse then no documentation. Other npm projects (hey - it's npm!) get their sunsetting of an old package right - while opentelemetry didn't.
"Please use X"
(but what I didn't tell you - you need to - also replace x with y and use Class A instead of B. I don't tell you that in our upgradeguidelines, and I only put a broken example "somewhere" even didn't mentioning that we replaced npm packages)
still to harsh?
also bound instruments are gone (or might work totally different - I didn't find this out after one day)
Let’s not argue over this and end it here; I get your frustration but there is another side to it. And we would really appreciate it if you can send a PR to update the SigNoz example or share which guide or repo you are referring following.
It's me ranting about Opentelemetry JS not about SigNoz 🙂
I understand and I am saying there is other side to it because I help a sub project (opentelemetry-python) and I know fellow maintainers struggles.
Fun Fact. NodeJS killed the DDog Metrics library 1/2 year ago. DDog updated it - we didn't 😂
it was a tiny something about something with a Promise NodeJS changed and that broke the JS
Thank you
I squashed them - tell me if you need 3 PRs
One is fine